July Newsletter

Hope all of you are well? Until there’s a time when we will be safe to gather Scribble and Smudge will take part in online ventures. Two workshops we would love to see you take part in are below.

This month The Walthamstow Garden Party is going virtual across a platform of creative workshops and events online and on radio for the festive weekend 18th and 19th July.

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Toychimes from 7th July 2020

Scribble and smudge are collaborating with Walthamstow Toy Library for the Walthamstow Garden Party. We are presenting Toychimes, a free pack of craft materials and instructions for families to create an upcycled windchime from old toys. Up to 300 packs will be delivered to mutual aid groups, food banks and schools within the borough of Waltham Forest. PL8 4U Al-Suffa food bank, Leytonstone Mutual Aid Group, Hornbeam for Leyton and Chingford, Highams Park Mutual Aid Group, Mission Grove Primary School and Low hall nursery school

There are a limited amount of packs available for collection, perhaps even a delivery to your door. If you know families on your street, or you would like to collect a pack see details on who to contact and dates for collection are in the events page https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/toy-chime-packs-for-walthamstow-garden-party-in-the-air

Collection pack dates 7th and 10th July
Hang Chimes at Walthamstow Toy library, Dates will be announced.

If you are unable to collect a pack, you can still join in the craft festivities via Scribble and Smudge’s instructions on how to MAKE YOUR OWN TOYCHIME AT HOME. See

Give your toys a new lease of life and hang them in your home, street, garden share your melodious creations. Either by hanging them at the Toy library or by sharing your photos from home to a gallery on the Walthamstow garden Party website . We would love to see what you have made. See: https://www.walthamstowgardenparty.com/gallery/

Strawberry thief

Strawberry thief

Birds in the air, July 16th online

Come and make a flying bird inspired by William Morris designs and prints.

Creative kids Is online again this month for families with under 5 year olds. recommended 2+ yrs. A ‘birdy ‘ workshop to join in the virtual festivities at The Walthamstow Garden Party weekend. Creative kids is free, booking is essential. A choice of a morning or afternoon session

11 til 11.30 am and repeated at 2.00 til 2.30 pm. Click below.

Walthamstow Garden party is produced by the Barbican in partnership with LBWF and supported by Arts Council England.