May newsletter

Look out for those rainbows.

We look forward to warmer weather and more ways to cope with our ever changing new normal. Scribble and Smudge are spreading a little more colour by taking part in more online activities. We have been invited to new ventures with The Kids Film Lounge and again learning online with The William Morris Gallery. Details of events will be posted as soon as I am able to give information.

UPDATE 19th May: Creative Kids this month is full a.m and P.m. Sorry for those of you who missed the opportunity, there will be more workshops to come. Here’s the link to the craft, making a rainbow cymbal for #clapforcarers here:

Thank you very very much to all persons who have shared photos of their Room Transformations . Thank you to Waltham Forest council for the opportunity to be part of WF Virtual Culture project. The hashtag is still open so that YOU can add more photos of your boats, dens or masking tape games in your re imagined rooms. Please don’t be shy, lots of families would love to be inspired by your ideas. Contact either by email or @scribbleandsmudge with the hashtag #ScribbleAtHome. Here are some photos on the hashtag so far:

Please keep checking the website, There are lots of fantastic family and adult activities still to take part in, including @WMGallery and @StowFilmLounge.