October Newsletter

This month Scribble and Smudge are celebrating Black History month online at The William Morris Gallery who are hosting a live session for under 5’s , Creative kids. We are also delighted to be invited to make family activities as a resource for the ‘We are Here’ exhibition about Windrush Waltham forest residents. To add, our fellow Scribble and Smudger Vanessa has a lovely seasonal activity at the Mill and The Toy library have some Halloween fun ideas too.

On a personal note with all that has happened with The Black Lives Matter movement it feels like I am contributing very small ripples in a vast ocean. But, never the less here are our contributions to furthering our understanding of Black history for the new generation. If you take part or make any of the following activities please share via email, or tag @scribbleand_smudge on instagram. We’d really love to see what you have been up to.

Scribble and Smudge activities

Thursday 22nd October, Creative Kids Live, celebrating Anansi the Spider. A hand weaving activity for under 5’s, suitable for children 2yrs+. Free, but booking is essential. Morning or, afternoon session available see events. https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/2020/10/22/weaving-like-anansi-spider-at-creative-kids-live-two-sessions

Friday 23rd October, ‘Pack up your bag’ produced by our wonderful Akiko. An online activity commissioned by the collective http://www.image17.co.uk/ who have curated an exhibition photographing Waltham Forest’s ‘Windrush’ residents, those who came to the UK from the Caribbean to forge new lives, called ‘We Are Here’. Our activity is suitable for primary school age, but can be adapted for any age. Using the suitcase as a starting point, the hope is that the story of the Windrush children is heard and that wider issues such as migration, identity and the idea of home is explored. Free to download . See for more details: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/2020/10/23/we-are-here-windrush-family-activitiy-pack-up-your-bag
I have added Merles recollection of her journey as a child below. Image17 would also love to hear any of your family’s stories too, contact: hello@weareherewf.org.

This is Merle’s recollection: Well I travelled to England with a family that my mother paid for me to be with and as far as I can remember I only had my suitcase and had to leave all my toys in Grenada. So nothing at all that might have been a comfort. A little sad, but being on the ship was a great adventure for me, I was largely left to my own devices and I seem to remember wondering around quite happily.

Monday 26th October, Snow Ice like home. A pretend play exploration of the smells of the Caribbean. Part of the We Are Here exhibition, an activity exploring how smells can evoke memories and emotional ties to past events, or indeed create new ones. Playing with Caribbean fruits and spices to recreate this popular confectionary for children in the Caribbean. This activity is suitable for children 2 years+. Scoop, decorate and smell your Snow Ice delights. Free to download. See for more details: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events


Half term activity at The Mill. Vanessa is working on a lovely seasonal activity on the Mill window. Maklng Leaf creatures. Look in your local park or on your walks for a leaf and create a leaf creature at home. Bring it to Vanessa at the mill or email it to: artworks@themille17.org.  and she will add it to an autumnal drawing on the window at The Mill, Coppermill lane. Leaf collages need to be dropped into the Mill before November 2nd. Download pdf instructions here:

Collect leaves and make a leaf creature on paper for The Mill.

Collect leaves and make a leaf creature on paper for The Mill.

Halloween ideas and activities by Walthamstow Toy Library. Halloween will be a little different this year, but don’t be disheartened it can still be fun doing some of these suggested activities at home. Why not loan a spooky costume? Toy loaning on Tuesday and Fridays afternoons for safe and socially distant loaning see: http://www.walthamstowtoylibrary.org/toy-loaning/